CURRENT AND PAST (AUS = American University of Sharjah)

  • Chair (2022): “Illness and Freedom in Modern Literature”, session at the International Online Conference titled ‘Medicine in the Mirror of Arabic and World Literature’ Organized by the Journal of Arabic and World Literature, London, UK. December 2-3, 2022.
  • Plenary Speaker (2022):“Performance-Based Learning: The Power of Edutainment”. Plenary speech at TEFL Kuwait, April 1.
  • Principal Instigator: 2021-Current-“Emirati Pidgin Arabic Through the Lenses of Corpus Linguistics’. AUS Faculty Research Grant. This project seeks the coding of a widely spoken Arabic in the United Arab Emirates and beyond.
  • Chair, session titled “Arab Women and Media” at the International Conference Celebrating Arab Women: Agents of Change and Progress. (Online) Organized by the Journal of Arabic and World Literature, London, UK. November 7, 11:00 a.m. – 13:00 p.m. (2020). (http://conferences.andromedapublisher.com/ICCAW/Program.html)
  • Principal Instigator (2019-Now): leading a small research team towards a thorough investigation of a specific form of Spoken Arabic well established between residents of the Gulf countries and expatriates working in the service industries and beyond.
  • Founder & Manager (2016-Now): A Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Learning Through the Arts online hub promoting projects relevant to teaching and learning through the arts throughout the MENA region (www.lt-ta.org).
  • Founder & Manager (2007-2009): established a summer institute in Paris, France called Maher Language Institute (MLI) where foreign languages are learned through short film production.
  • Founder (2016-Now): An audio-visual production company called ‘MLI Production’ which specializes in promoting and producing arts, cultural, and educational content.
  • Founder & Manager (2016-Now): A New Horizon Center (NHC) located in MENA region and working locally and internationally to promote the field of Learning Through The Arts (LTTA).
  • Event Organizer & Manager (Spring 2020): I organized and managed a unique event called “The English Day” which the Department of English held for the first time at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Symposium Organizer (Summer 2014, Summer 2019): Within the International Center for Innovation in Education (ICIE) Annual conferences, I organized and managed symposia in Paris and Huston Learning Through the Arts Symposia.
  • Co-Chair (March 2021): International Center for Innovation in Education (ICIE) Conference at Ajman University, United Arab Emirates.
  • Acting Head (Fall 2019): Department of English @ American University of Sharjah. Taking on Head of Department tasks relevant to students’ admission and registration intermittently while the Department Head is away (three time periods during the semester)
  • Co-Chair: (2019-Spring 2021): The Outreach & Marketing Committee of the English Department at the American University of Sharjah.
  • AUS Senator (2020-Current): Active senate member of the College of Arts and Sciences at the American University of Sharjah.
  • AUS Senator (2015-2016): Active senate member of the Department of English at the American University of Sharjah.
  • AUS Senator (2014-2015): Active senate member of the Department of English at the American University of Sharjah.
  • AUS Senator (Spring 2008): Active senate member of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the American University of Sharjah.
  • AUS Senator (Fall 2002-Spring 04): Active senate member of Department of English, Mass communications & Translation Representative at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Coordinator: (2014-2015): Graduate students Research Assistants (RA) of the Department of English at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Chair: (2014-2015): AUS Senate Academic Affairs Committee at the American University of Sharjah.Reviewed proposals related to new minors from various schoolsDiscussed various issues and submitted recommendations to the AUS Senate Executive Committee related to (i) media literacy at AUS, (ii) foreign languages at AUS, and (iii) minor in hotel & hospitality management.
  • Graduate Program Coordinator (2013-2014): MA TESOL Graduate Research Assistants of the Department of English at the American University of Sharjah.I corresponded with the graduate assistants on a regular basis and checked on their weekly schedule and weekly reports.
  • Chair (Fall 2013): Faculty Grievance Committee at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Chair (2011-2012); AUS Faculty Welfare Committee at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Chair (Spring 2012): Department of English Annual Reception Committee at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Chair (Fall 2010): Department of English Annual Reception Committee at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Chair (2008-2009): Department of English Faculty Evaluation Assessment Criteria Committee at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Chair (Fall 2002-Spring 04): Senate Research Committee at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Chair (Fall 2002-Spring 04): General Education Committee for American University of Sharjah Self Study.
  • Director (2002-2003): AUS MA TESOL Program; Led the program to initial accreditation by the UAE Ministry oh Higher Education.
  • Coordinator (2002-2003): English Faculty Seminars Series of the Department of English at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Co-Chair (Spring 2002): MA TESOL committee of the Department of English at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Coordinator (Spring 2001): The Writing Center at the American University of Sharjah.
  • Coordinator (1996-2000): Cultural & Academic Activities of the College of Languages and Translation at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
  • Initiator: I submitted a number of activities, program & professional development proposals such as:
  • AUS Writing Center Enhancement Proposal
  • AUS Students’ Progress Assessment & Effective Learning Proposal
  • Foreign/second Language Writing International Conference Proposal
  • Communication Program Assessment Proposal
  • AUS Public Speaking Contest Proposal
  • MENA Learning Through the Arts Center