History has value as long as it remains alive in people’s hearts, souls, minds and educational systems. It otherwise remains buried under the notes and papers of historians, in libraries, and in national and international archives. While it remains unclear whether this portrait belongs to the former or the…Read More Le monument historique de Clara Sörnäs à Zanzibar qui dépeint la vente publique des esclaves noirs rappelle un chapitre profondément discriminatoire de l’histoire de ce pays … Les dates suivantes restent gravées dans l’histoire des peuples noirs : le 23 janvier 1846, Ahmed Bey à Tunis abolit l’esclavage et…Read More In addition to the three historic locations, seen in the previous edition of The Source Newspaper, the slaves’ auction place, the slaves’ chamber, and the slaves’ lashing ceremony, Zanzibar has kept the house of the last slaves’ merchant along with his tomb as part of the cultural historic tour.…Read More The more one travels, the more one learns. Museums all over the world like Paris, London, New York, Montreal and Victoria inform of previous humans’ histories. The story is quite different this time… It was only when we reached Zanzibar, a small island off the Indian Ocean, part of…Read More